From baby food to breast milk, navigating TSA with your traveling toddler can be a challenge. In exchange for a little extra testing/searching, TSA allows parents traveling with small children to carry on liquids in excess of the 3-1-1 rule (i.e. more than 3.4 oz of water, formula, … [Read more...]
The “Other” Vaccination Debate – Alternative Vaccine Schedules
As a #NewsMom, you'd better bet I bought the book and even took classes on Alternative Vaccine Schedules. I wanted to be as educated as possible about every option and risk. Apparently, I'm not alone.A new study by The American Academy of Pediatrics found that, while most doctors … [Read more...]
Journalists tend to ask questions that others might not. We also have an ethical obligation to investigate both sides of any story. So, when I found out I was pregnant, I prepared for my baby in the same way I would prepare for any investigation. My research on everything, from car … [Read more...]