The Truth Behind "No Added Hormones" and Other Claims Have you seen the new Foster Farms "skateboarding chicken" commercial that boasts "no added hormones"? It's cute. The two wannabe Foster Farms chickens dress up in skater clothes, hop on boards and cling to the back of a car … [Read more...]
Are All ‘Compare At’ Prices Bogus?
CBS San Francisco ConsumerWatch Reporter Julie Watts put those 'compare at' prices to the test. Off-price retailers like T.J. Maxx admit they're just a theoretical "estimate," and Watts goes undercover to reveal that they're not very good estimators. Check out her report for … [Read more...]
Apps That Drain Your Battery & Data
You may not realize it, but those apps you never use could be running in the background, draining your battery and your data. AVG Technology's latest quarterly analysis found weather apps, dating apps, gaming apps and social apps are the worst offenders. CBS ConsumerWatch Reporter … [Read more...]
Do You Have the Right To a Free Breast Pump?
Your Rights to Insurance Coverage for a Breast Pump and Lactation Services An oldie but a goodie—KPIX Consumer Reporter Julie Watts reports on your rights to insurance coverage for your breast pump and other nursing expenses under the ACA. This story originally aired in 2013, but … [Read more...]
10 Must-Haves for Travel With Toddlers
Travel with Toddlers Isn't Easy—But These Can Help! We travel... A lot. At 21 months old, my toddler had logged over 60 flight hours, and she continues to sleep in her travel crib an average of two weekends a month. As a result, I have a lot of experience surviving airports, … [Read more...]
Amazon Home Services–Add a Handyman to Your Cart
First books, then movies, then products and groceries. Now, Amazon Home Services lets you click and pay for real live people (to provide home services). So, should you buy your TV on Amazon and add installation to the cart too? CBS-SF did a side-by-side comparison of the process on … [Read more...]
Navigating TSA With Your Traveling Toddler
From baby food to breast milk, navigating TSA with your traveling toddler can be a challenge. In exchange for a little extra testing/searching, TSA allows parents traveling with small children to carry on liquids in excess of the 3-1-1 rule (i.e. more than 3.4 oz of water, formula, … [Read more...]
AAA Warning! AAA Won’t Cover Vehicle Totaled During Tow
If you have AAA, you might want to watch the KPIX ConsumerWatch Report. A young family stranded on the side of the road turned to AAA for help. Instead of coming to the rescue, AAA sent an uninsured driver with the wrong type of truck and refused to pay when their vehicle was totaled … [Read more...]
A Pet Insurance ‘Gotcha’ Revealed
If you pay for pet insurance for your "fur child," you'd expect it to pay out when you need it. But KPIX Consumer Reporter Julie Watts reveals a surprise loophole that could cost you even more money. Bottom line, enroll your four-legged babies before they're 1 year old, and don't … [Read more...]
Uber, Lyft or Cab During Storm #SurgePricing
If you’ve ever wondered which to call, this may make you say: Huh. KPIX Consumer Reporter Julie Watts put all three to the (nonscientific) test during storm surge pricing. Can you guess which is faster... Which is cheaper? Read More on CBS San Francisco: SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) – … [Read more...]