The Baby Flight Vest is intended to keep lap children ‘in’ mom’s lap during turbulence.
As a reporter, I’ve heard far too many horror stories about lap children getting seriously injured during unexpected turbulence. Most people think takeoff and landing are the most dangerous parts of the flight, but 90 percent of injuries actually happen in-flight.
Enter the baby flight vest.
It’s basically an ugly red vest with a belt loop on the back that you run your seat belt through. Instead of flying through the air during sudden turbulence, your baby (theoretically) stays in your lap. This is especially helpful during overnight flights when baby and mom are sleeping… but I use it on every flight.
Currently, there is only one baby flight vest on the market. It is made of soft cotton, seems very comfortable and is easy to get on and off quickly.
For toddlers over 2 years old who have their own seat, you’re better off with the FAA-Approved CARES Harness.
- FAA regulations do NOT allow you to use the vest during takeoff and landing.
- While the flight vest is not “FAA Approved,” FAA regulations DO allow you to use the vest in-flight.
- You should carry on the informational insert that the comes with the vest in case an overzealous flight attendant questions it. The card cites the applicable FAA regulations.
- There are two sizes, infant and toddler. Make sure you have the right one (I learned that the hard way).
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