Featured NewsMoms are not “influencers” or “brand ambassadors.” They are parents and journalists sharing their investigative research, resources and news reports with others.
As moms and dads, they have an intimate knowledge of the issues facing parents. As journalists, they have an ethical obligation to remain independent, transparent and to avoid conflicts of interest.
NewsMom News provides an outlet for journalists to share their relevant news stories with a larger audience of parents.
Stories labeled “Reporters’ Notebook” often include additional reporter commentary, anecdotes or useful information that was left out of the original reports.
Under “Interesting Headlines” you’ll find a variety of other relevant news and information that we’re reading, talking about or reporting on.
NewsMom Features include a combination of original editorials, blogs and reviews that are intended to help parents better investigate the topics and products that are important to them.
NewsMom Editorials are in-depth original reports that may include opinions and personal anecdotes in addition to investigative research. Contributors often share how their professional research and reporting has impacted their parenting.
NewsMom Blogs & Reviews include personal anecdotes about real-life experiences with popular products, apps and services. They are not endorsements (paid or otherwise) and they are never “sponsored.” These features may also include parenting tips, tricks, mom hacks and fun ideas.
NOTE: The views and opinions of #NewsMom contributors are not necessarily those of the news organizations that they work for or of NewsMom.com.