The only emotion that rivals my love for my children is the guilt I experience on a daily basis.
I feel guilty for being a working mom. I feel guilty that my attention is always divided among three children. I feel guilty for losing my patience, for not being strict enough, for being too strict.
Bottom line, mom guilt is real, and it can be all-consuming.
One area of parenting that has a lot of us feeling guilty is screen time: How often and how early we let our kids have screen time, and what we allow them to watch.
I know with my firstborn, we were really good about not letting him watch any TV until he was nearly 2, per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendation.
Kristine Lazar Reports: How Young Is Too Young?
Pediatricians To Release New Guidelines on Kids and Screen Time
Well, then my twins came along and I was barely able to brush my teeth on a daily basis, and well, my girls watched more TV than I care to admit before the age of 1. My biggest struggle was figuring out how to allow my older son to watch TV or play with the iPad without the girls seeing it too.
Now the AAP is rethinking its screen time rules, and I for one couldn’t be happier. While I do not think TV should be a babysitter, sometimes Mommy just needs to make dinner or go to the bathroom without a baby on her lap.
Everything in moderation is the motto in my house.
(CBSLA.com) — Children today are growing up in a digital world, and it’s unclear for many parents where they should draw the line when it comes to screen time.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is set to recommended children under the 2 of two not be allowed to use digital devices. They have said older kids should have no more than two hours of screen time per day.
But as technology increasingly infiltrates our everyday lives and the tools we use to live them, it’s getting harder for families to unplug so they can stay connected to each other. The AAP announced this week they are tweaking their guidelines to adjust to the changing norm.
So… What do you think? Are the tweaked recommendations a good thing or a bad thing?
Chime in below!
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